Romanian Association for Accreditation - RENAR is being a partner in the project entitled "Capacity building in line with the Cybersecurity Act for the Romanian competent authorities CERT-RO and RENAR" (2020-RO-IA-0224), financed by the European Union through the European Health and Digital Executive Agency HaDEA.
The Project aims at consolidating the administrative capacity of the Romanian Directorate for Cyber Security (DNSC) and of the Romanian Accreditation Body (RENAR) to implement the certification scheme of the cyber activity in accordance with the requirements of the Regulation (EU) 2019/881 regarding the cyber security (CyberSecurityAct).
- National Directorate for Cyber Security - DNSC
- Romanian Association for Accreditation - RENAR
- Ernst&Young SRL - EY
Starting data: 01.07.2021
Implementation period: 24 months
Specific objectives of the project:
- building of internal and operational capabilities to assess the compliance of beneficiaries with the EU legislation in the domain of cybersecurity certification in accordance with requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/881 (“EU Cybersecurity Act”);
- providing insights and clarifications towards the Romanian stakeholders with regard to the specifics European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme, considering the increased complexity of its governance, technical, administrative and logistics aspects;
- disseminate information regarding requirements and technical aspects of the European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme (EUCC Scheme);
- study the readiness of the Romanian market to implement certification schemes of cyber security;
- creating a demo platform demo to include records and results of the cyber security certification achieved;
- training activities on applicable standards, good practice for accreditation/certification in cyber security field;
- dissemination of reliable information to Romanian Stakeholders interested to implement conformity evaluation activities in cyber security field;
- comprehensive analysis of the present status at European level as well as at experienced EU Member States in developing and implementing accredited Certification Schemes of cyber security;
- ensuring adequate liaison with European platforms and Working Groups in the field in line with the UE Regulation 2019/881, including the active participation of the DNSC and RENAR.
Through a multidimensional programme, expected results of the project include:
- capabilities of accreditation/certification in cyber security field in Romania;
- training sessions for staff;
- national campaigns of awareness and clarification of the issues;
- conference 2022-04-11 (link in Romanian)
- communique: Cybersecurity Act - complexity, importance, approach
- studies on „certification standards of cyber security and comparative review”;
- report on availability of Romanian organizations to implement certification schemes of cyber security in accordance with the requirements of EU Regulation on cyber security (CyberSecurityAct).
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